Shuffling Cards, Mouvement aléatoire des Cartes

November 15, 2012
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The association art-cade* has invited the independent curator Cécile Bourne-Farrell to organise the third year of its festival l’Autre bord, an annual gathering devoted to contemporary art from around the world with special emphasis on the African continent.

Shuffling Cards is an exhibition which speaks about the relation between France and the African continent has often been reduced to a simplistic dialectic that radically excludes the dimension of memory as a vector in the transmission of knowledge. This simplification has given rise to a number of easily exploited cultural simulacra. Any attempt to speak about today’s emerging art is rendered impossible by the density, vastness, precariousness and complexity of the situation. Cécile Bourne-Farrell’s proposition’s is the exhibition “Shuffling Cards” which is been determined in large part by the way these artists appropriate and make use of the notions of archive and transmission in their work.

With Mohssin Harraki, Katia Kameli, Farah Khelil, Grace Ndiritu, Otobong Nkanga, Catherine Poncin, Karim Rafi, Andrea Stultiens, Achraf Touloub and James Webb

Visits by the curator Cécile Bourne-Farrell : November 30th. at 18:00 and January 30th. at 18:00. A Performance-lecture by Karim Rafi is schedulled on Thursday 15th. of November at 18:00pm

This exhibition-project has been possible thanks to the support of : L’Institut Français, Afrique du Sud; Fondation Mondriaan; École supérieure d’art d’Aix-en-Provence; Fondazione Lettera27, Milan; L’appartement22, Rabat; La Non Maison, Aix-en-Provence; Association Chooseone, Saint-Ouen; Galerie Imane Fares, Paris; Galerie Les filles du calvaire, Paris;Galerie martinethibaultdelachâtre, Paris; Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford and Chez Nico, Marseille.

The exhibition “Shuffling Cards” has received the title Marseilles-Provence European Capital of Culture in 2013, and will mark the opening of the festival year at art-cade*.
art-cade* is supported by Conseil Général des Bouches du Rhône, the town of Marseille, the Région Paca, the Drac Paca. art-cade* and is an active member of Marseille Expos and Paris-art.
*35 bis rue de la Bibliothèque 13001 Marseille 0033(0)4 91 47 87 92 / Image : ouvert du mardi au samedi de 15H00 à 19H00 et sur RDV

Legend of the image: James Webb, ’There Is A Light That Never Goes Out.’ 2010, collection daratalfunun Foundation Jordan.

The text is an appropriation of the title of the 1986 hit song by seminal British band, The Smiths. Translated, cast in neon, and exhibited in public, the anthem lyrics are transformed from their musical origins to conjure cultural and site-specific associations.

Sorry, this entry is only available in French.

L’hexagone entretient avec le continent africain une relation souvent réduite à une dialectique simplificatrice qui exclut ladimension de la mémoire comme vecteur de transmission des savoirs. Des histoires orales ou écrites, du dessin à la performance, les artistes invitésréactivent la notion d’archive dans leurs oeuvres et dans nos vies.

Avec Mohssin Harraki, KatiaKameli, Farah Khelil, Grace Ndiritu, Otobong Nkanga, Catherine Poncin, Karim Rafi, Andrea Stultiens, Achraf Touloub et James Webb

Cette exposition a été réalisée avec le soutien de : L’Institut français, Afrique du Sud ; Fondation Mondriaan ; École supérieure d’art d’Aix-en-Provence ; Fondazione Lettera27, Milan ; L’appartement22, Rabat ; La Non Maison,Aix-en-Provence ; Association Chooseone, Saint-Ouen ; Galerie Imane Fares, Paris ; Galerie Les filles du calvaire,Paris ; Galerie martinethibaultdelachâtre, Paris ; Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford.

art-cade* est soutenu par le Conseil Général desBouches du Rhône, la Ville de Marseille, la Région Paca, la Drac* est membre du réseau Marseille Expos et Paris-art.
art-cade**35bis rue de la Bibliothèque 13001 Marseille

Document de présentation "Shuffling Cards" (français)Presentation document "Shuffling Cards" (english)Feuille de salle "Shuffling Cards" (français)Download document 3